

Daniella Sinofsky


Communications Coordinator | 番茄社区

A little bit about me:

My name is Daniella Sinofsky and I鈥檓 a Communications Coordinator on the Corporate Communications team with 番茄社区. I have a great team (#TeamHustle) that deals with multiple sectors of 番茄社区 so I have the unique opportunity to work with USA TODAY, LocaliQ, and our ventures team.

What was the moment you knew you made the right decision to work at 番茄社区?

I knew 番茄社区 was the perfect fit for me after my first week! I could not have asked for a more supportive team who allows me the chance to grow and let me work independently on projects after only a few weeks! I鈥檓 proud of the work my team and I produce and I can鈥檛 imagine myself anywhere else. In my eyes 番茄社区 gives me everything I want to see in my career: powerful storytelling, Creatives from all backgrounds, and a team that strives for success no matter the project. I can see myself growing in this company and being able to emerge myself in all things 番茄社区 is a very amazing thing for someone just starting out in the Corporate sphere!

Name one of your individual strengths and how you apply it at 番茄社区


In my role I鈥檓 given many tasks, some more simple than others. However, since I鈥檓 someone who believes in putting my passion into everything I do I don鈥檛 see any task as 鈥渟imple.鈥 I see it as a way to grow in my career and educate myself. I believe every project I work on is driven by passion and this will continue to be a motivator throughout my professional career.

番茄社区鈥痚nables me to
grow by…


Collaborating. I have the privilege to communicate day in and day out with not only my team but other teams in 番茄社区. I am very lucky to be given such a diverse and active role in 番茄社区. I learn something new everyday and I can truly see how impactful each division of 番茄社区 provides to make this a great company to work at.

Describe a 番茄社区 project that has鈥痠nspired you.鈥

A project that inspired me was working on USA TODAY鈥檚 40th Anniversary campaign. Being behind the scenes and working with various departments to amplify the anniversary gave me a sense of pride because we all collaborated as a team with the same end goal. From pitching to the media to creating a social media campaign in Time Square I was very proud to see everyone鈥檚 hard work come together for a successful anniversary!

Pick one word to describe the culture at 番茄社区


Being on a team of all women (plus Juan, who is amazing) has been a surreal experience. I am surrounded by powerful and diverse women who have dominated the media industry. I look up to every person on my team and admire them for each unique quality they provide to our family. This team empowers me to work hard, hustle, and gives me the motivation to put my all into every project they give me.

A day in the life


For our 40th Anniversary our team volunteered for Move for Hunger at the Common Pantry. It was an amazing experience and I got to connect with 番茄社区 employees who I鈥檝e never had the chance to meet in person before.

The NYC team got to play trivia with the rest of the U.S. markets! NYC team killed trivia! The baby picture category stumped us鈥

This summer my best friends and I skydived in Switzerland! It was one of the best experiences of my life!

My sister, Cristina, is one of my best friends! She has been my biggest role model and has given me priceless career advice that has helped me get me where I am today.

I love to cook! My friends and I did a cooking class this summer in Barcelona and we learned how to cook traditional Paella鈥 and of course drank homemade Sangria!

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